
This page is for my portfolio of work that I do at internships and on my course.

I've always found Blogger a useful tool, even for revision, I recommend it for anyone studying for exams to collate all information in one place and create condensed notes from their blog posts. The following link is to my Understanding the Customer module from my first year (2012), it's a revision blog for an end of year exam. It's content is based around Generation Y.

The following two links are blog posts written by myself for the company I interned at over summer 2012 at Eyes Wide Open Communications in Buckinghamshire.

This is the first piece of coursework I'm officially allowed to share with you for 2013. This is an online magazine analysing department store websites. 

The Store Magazine: Website Analysis
Great news! Our group just found out that this magazine got a 1st!

This is the second piece of coursework for the Digital Technologies in Marketing module (March 2013). Second edition of our online magazine determining best practice traffic building for department stores.

The Store- Traffic Building
Good news! Our group for a 2:1 for this piece of coursework!

Watch this space for a brochure presenting our group's idea for the Edcom Ad Venture competition 2013 that we submitted in March this year. We will be allowed to share our idea once the competition is over this summer!
Amazing news- our group has been short listed in the final 12 campaigns and we are the only UK team!

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