Friday 30 November 2012

Breaking Conventions

Do you remember when you were in secondary school and started getting a serious load of homework; your parents and teachers always told you not to leave things to the last minute, otherwise they wouldn't be a true reflection of your ability?

Well as much as I agree with this statement now, having gone through GCSEs, A Levels and now currently a university course, the worst possible thing you can do is leave things to the night before. However, I'll admit, I left an assignment until a week and a half before it was due in, despite having at least four weeks to complete it... Yes, I know, this looks bad... but let me explain.

I knew I had a tight timeline to work with and I had read the brief and done my background research and reading and made notes, so it wasn't as if I hadn't made some kind of start on it. It was because other projects that appeared to have much more content to do had taken over and suddenly I was faced with this situation of needing to do it in a week and a half.

So I used this amazing online tool where you type in what type of assignment it is (report, presentation, essay) and then enter your deadline date and it helped me to put into perspective what needed doing and it gave me suggested mini deadlines. To cut a long story short, I set aside a few hours everyday and got the assignment done, checked through and what I can only describe as polished up nicely three days before it was due in. Which wasn't bad considering I needed to do some Christmas shopping that weekend too!

My point here is I've learnt something about myself through this experience. Although I would never willingly let myself be in that situation again... I loved the thriving feeling of that I had a deadline to work with, it was what some would call a lot of pressure... but I loved it. It made me think also, both part time jobs I've had, have been in thriving busy environments. Some people may not enjoy living life that is structured and deadline orientated, but I do! It gives me a satisfactory feeling that I've accomplished mini challenges that lead up to a big accomplishment and makes me feel happy that my day has been productive.

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