Tuesday 25 December 2012

Happy Holidays!

Happy Christmas Everyone and a Happy New Year!

Well it's been a stressful first term but it's been worth it as mentioned in my previous post. Having a bit of time off has allowed me to reflect on things a bit since starting my second year of university. It's reminded me that nothing is more important than family but if I really want this degree and career, I'm going to have to work extremely hard for it.

2012 has been a turning point for me- it's made me realise my potential at this course and career choice, I've also learnt a lot about myself. I turned 20 on Christmas eve this year and that's also been a bit of a shock to my system and my real Gen Y side of me is coming out! Life isn't forever so make of it what you will and don't let anyone or anything stand in your way!

Oh... and my new years resolutions for 2013:
* Yes- I'm jumping on the "losing weight band wagon"- No big surprise there!
* Settle for nothing less than perfect in my coursework and exams, absolutely pull out all the stops these last 18 months of my course
* And finally, grab opportunities with both hands and make a real good go of things! (This applies to my course and life in general). But of course live by the motto if it doesn't work out it wasn't meant to be because at the end of the day- we're human. And I think a lot of people forget that about themselves and others...

So watch this space for a jam packed year full of fun, exciting experiences and opportunities and updates!!

Oh and being such a good marketing student that I am- it meant that I won the trivia game after Christmas dinner (for once and much to my Dad's dismay!). Have fun everyone!!

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